Feeling stressed and tied up by your daily work routine or household chores? All you need is to find a little time for yourself. Try these following tips and turn your free time into a fabulous relax time.
Unplug – Get away from all the emails, social media, phone calls for a while and just enjoy what you have around. It can be a walk, a nap, a good coffee or a daydream.
Treat yourself – With a good meal. It is not just about good food. Take quality time and place to eat something you have been craving for or never had a chance to try. Don’t rush everything in. You will find yourself healed by the food.
Try a new hobby – Have been thinking about try something new? Just do it! Piano, oil-painting, roller-blading or cooking? Spend some time a day to try it. You will feel the fulfillment afterward.
Exercise – Get up and move your body! It can be a run, a 45-mintue yoga session, or anything improve your blood flow and circulation. Then you will soon feel refreshed and recharged with energy again.
Upgrade your shower head – Speaking of relaxing and recharging, how can we forget to mention a good shower. A shower with good water pressure and temperature, music you like or maybe some aromatherapy. Isn’t it the ultimate “me time” you can have every day?
A movie – It is the easiest way to run away from the reality that makes you out of breath. 2-3 hours the most, you can enjoy being a heroine indulging in something you never had a chance to.
Hand writing something - When was the last time you hold a pen to write something on a paper? The lifestyle nowadays does not give us lots of chance to do that. Handwriting actually is good for our brain, peace the mind and clam the nerves. If you are enjoying it, you can even do creative lettering.
Don't hesitate, start now!